EVERY day, we are flooded with waves of information when it comes to A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).
Most of that knowledge and “wisdom” will be ancient history in the next six months.
2024 is eerily similar to the 2000s when online, digital marketing took off. The combination of web expansion and real estate created a huge bubble.
The internet killed: newspapers, travel agencies, yellow pages (remember “address/phone books”?), print advertising (i.e. “direct mail”, etc.), recorded music and retail stores (remember “shopping malls?).
I knew people making $70,000 a month in rapidly growing online businesses. Their incomes quickly vanished, like footprints on a beach. Those who built real businesses survived the 2008 crash and continued to grow.
In 2024, A.I. is the new Google/Facebook of 2004.
A.I. will usher in a boom much like 2005-2007, which will decimate: marketing agencies, content creation, call centers, subject matter experts and low-wage admin work.
For twenty years Perry Marshall has taught long-term strategies. Many, if not most of his lessons are still serving his clients today, and many built 7-, 8- and 9-figure companies!
Everyone is hawking the latest A.I. prompt and GPT software derivatives. 90% are obsolete before year’s end. This is why Perry is bringing the world’s finest A.I. people to Chicago, IL on 16-18 April 2024. They will arm you with strategies you’ll still be using in 2030 and 2040.
Perry is the only person in this industry who has the track record to say that.
Get yourself to Chicago where we will arm you with A.I. strategies that transition you from the vanishing rules of online marketing to the new era; position you to make a great deal of money in the bubble of 2024-2026; and keep you flush with cash and your business will grow while the economy melts in the inevitable ~2027 economic crash.
When you register you get instant access to 80/20 A.I. Hyperdrive, the world’s most evergreen A.I. course; highlights of Definitive AI & Traffic Seminar; and an exciting pre-event training series. The world is evolving at unprecedented speed. Every second counts!
2004-2007 was a magic carpet ride of unprecedented growth. Then in 2008 the bubble popped and almost everyone I knew in real estate or mortgage in 2008 went bankrupt. (I can speak from personal experience on this!). Many got pummeled, like drowning cats, clawing in desperation for anything that might save them.
Same for those who fail to adapt to this sea change.
What you do about A.I. in 2024 to prosper in 2025 and 2026 will dictate the quality of the rest of your life.
We are straddling two eras – the old rules, already out the window, and new rules, still undefined.
“Anyone with a solid grasp of direct/online marketing will never go hungry.”
“Anyone who is competent in buying traffic will never go hungry”
“Only good writers can create good content.”
“Good market research takes weeks or months.”
“Human expertise is required to interpret and apply knowledge.”
“You have to hire a programmer to get custom software.”
“It takes months to plan and start a company.”
These rules are already obsolete. Most just haven’t gotten the memo yet.
What are the new rules?
Not yet written.
In this new A.I. age, most will float down the river like a bloated copse; cultivate a ton of bad habits; tune out, numb out, think what they’re told to think, and become less human.
A few of us will use A.I. to: create great works of art; great feats of technology; refine our thinking; sharpen our skills; perfect business models; improve tools; perform superior research; become greater human beings; command our worlds; and build and grow wealth.
2023 was the year to play with A.I. and get cozy with it.
2024 is the year to GET BUSY.
Every second counts.
Because right this minute we are in the nexus of five exponential shifts: A.I., Economic Cycle, Business Model Breakage, Crisis of Meaning, and 90/10.
***As an affiliate for some of the products and services mentioned in this blog post, I may get compensated for recommendations.
EXPONENTIAL SHIFT #1 is the A.I. revolution. For the first time ever, machines adapt to us instead of us adapting to machines.
You took piano lessons; the piano did not take “you” lessons.
But A.I. does learn to work with you. You talk to it naturally.
This collaborative era is a seismic shift in how we work and live. Most barely grasp the magnitude of this change.
EXPONENTIAL SHIFT #2 is the last stage of the 18-year economic cycle. Many proclaim a crash and recession are coming. But not this year – you CAN NOT have a real estate crash when there’s not enough real estate to go around!
(Ask any residential real estate agent or mortgage broker if they have enough inventory.)
History shows 18-year boom and bust cycles for the last 200 years. Now is like 2003/2004 – a boom is starting.
Economies crash within +/-1 year of the completion of the world’s newest tallest building. That’s because a project so ambitious only gets done during a bubble, and by the time the structure is complete, the bubble has burst.
Market crashes in 1929. Empire State Building opens in 1931:
Sears Tower opens in ’73. Bubble bursts in ’74:
Market crashes late 2008. Burj Khalifa opens January 2010:
You may wonder why I’m connecting some strange random thing like “world’s tallest building” to an economic crash. It’s very simple: Nobody erects a new tallest building in the world except in a real estate bubble.
It requires crazy optimism and easy credit to launch a project that massive. There’s a name for this. It’s called “The Skyscraper Index.” Akhil Patel and Phil Anderson make this case in their model of the 18-year real estate cycle.
What goes up comes down. After every bubble comes a crash.
Well guess what… Saudi Arabia’s 1km tall Jeddah Tower just resumed construction. It was stalled for years, 30% built and completed.
Perry estimates it will be completed in three years. The crash will come just before or soon after. Massive forces, like the recent volcano that just erupted in Iceland. Real estate, not Wall Street, is the real foundation of the economy, and when it goes down, everything else goes down with it.
You’ve got three years to make your money.
1100 days; the clock is ticking!
People will make a LOT of money in this next run-up. The wise ones will pocket their winnings and walk away. Most will lose their ass as they swirl down the whirlpool.
Don’t lose your ass in the crash. Make sure you’re in CASH when the music stops.
A LOT of New Renaissance members will attain extreme wealth during 1) the A.I. boom that heats up over the next three years, and 2) in the 2030s, when the few who begin the decade with cash are buying properties and businesses for pennies on the dollar.
EXPONENTIAL SHIFT #3 is shredding business models. Any business based on expertise or processes must hyper-evolve or face extinction.
The old rules said:
“It takes weeks to craft a sales pitch.”
“Analyzing data to gain insights is manual and time-consuming.”
“Human representatives are essential for customer service.”
“Being a published author establishes you as an authority.”
“Product development is a slow and expensive process.”
“Management roles require years of experience in a specific field.”
“Your profession is defined by your technical skills and knowledge.”
The old rules don’t hold anymore. We are inventing the new rules,… NOW!
Twenty (20) years ago, Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon™) looked absolutely insane for borrowing billions from Wall Street, taping dollar bills to every shipment, and buying new customers with no end in sight.
The “gurus”, experts and pundits said he was delusional.
Now that he’s the third richest man in the world (and mostly interested in space travel now). Nobody thinks he’s insane anymore.
The rules changed. Bezos saw it. Most people didn’t.
They’ve changed again.
Marketing also changed. Perry was one of a few dozen people like Jeff Walker, Rich Schefren, Ken McCarthy, Alex Mandossian and Don Crowther who invented the modern online sales funnel. It emerged from their tinkering and experimentation.

It provided a tremendous living for hundreds of thousands of people. It’s embodied in billion-dollar platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, AWeber and MailChimp. These platforms have moved trillions of dollars of goods.
Marketing is never going away. It’s only going to change.
The new rules of marketing will enrich and enable thousands of careers. How about you? Only you can decide.
EXPONENTIAL SHIFT #4 is spiritual awareness. Beliefs that we’re all just billiard balls on a pool table, bouncing around, have passed their expiration date. Spirituality, epic narratives and symbols are exploding. In universities, “woke” is the new religion. How many of your friends took a “crazy” journey in the last year? Wasn’t happening ten years ago.
We are bombarded by conversations about archetypes and metanarratives and what it means to be human. Would have never happened in 2015.
Imagine it’s ten years ago, 2014-ish. Someone shows you a “police lineup” of future influencers. NO ONE would have predicted a Toronto professor giving lectures on archetypes, Jungian psychology and biblical narratives would be the world’s new leading intellectual.
A.I. raises existential questions we can no longer escape from. Robots can now create art and music as well as humans do.
So… what defines our humanity now?
These currents show the tide turning to a new vision of oneness. What you’ve seen so far is just for starters. We are stepping into a season like we have never experienced in your life.
EXPONENTIAL SHIFT #5 is 10% of the people owning 90% of the power. In an 80/20 world, 20% of the people have have 80% of the power. In a 90/10 world, 10% have 90% of the power.
Tech is already 90/10. Brick and mortar gigs like assembling cars and building houses will stay 80/20. The two worlds of expertise and knowledge were 80/20, but those worlds are about to flip 90/10 as well.
Any business based on knowledge and expertise is poised to shift into the 90/10 era. Most experts will wither. A few will experience amazing stuff.
Businesses based on processes are about to shift into the 90/10 era. With a huge gap between the haves and the have nots.
So,… we are at the tipping pint of five full-scale culture shifts.
***As an affiliate for some of the products and services mentioned in this blog post, I may get compensated for recommendations.
There is an endless collection all things A.I.: seminars and eBooks, acres of prompts, legions of videos, but nobody is addressing the cultural shift, the intersection of these five. Not like we will be doing this upcoming April.
Perry has an enviable track record of reading the future. He started using Google AdWords when it was two months old, and within days he knew it was the future.
He envisioned that the trajectory of Google Ads in the 2000s would mirror the rise of infomercials in the 1980s and 1990s. Except it was fractal. Instead of costing $75,000 to test an ad campaign, you could do it for $7.50; and instead of a handful of big companies doing it, it would be hundreds of thousands of people or even millions.
That turned out to be exactly right – including his prediction that the corpses of many who got addicted to cheap ad prices would wash up on shore as bid prices skyrocketed.
He broadcast a series of predictions in January of 2010. They scored 78% correct.
I broadcast new predictions in January of 2020. Six of the ten predictions have already come true, including “This is the Agility Decade”, China vs. the West, Innovation speed doubles, and Resurgence of the Trades.
The foundation of Perry’s ability to read the future is his belief that:
The Center is the Edge.
THAT means If you want to create something new, if you want to innovate, if you want to adapt to change for the better, if you want to be better prepared and better equipped…
…you do it by raising your mastery of fundamental truths.
Not by learning a giant catalog of new things.
It means you don’t have to watch thousands of YouTube videos to prepare yourself for the next decade.
It just means you need to raise your mastery of eternal principles, and you’ll be miles ahead of everyone.
If you can go from a six to an eight… from a seven to a nine in your mastery of core principles, you’ll be further ahead than walking encyclopedias of knowledge who consume hundreds of podcasts a year.
Because underneath it all, in the end, you find simplicity, not complexity.
THAT is how we navigate these five era changes together.
Prosperous Times on the Horizon:
The next three years will be a lucrative run, with A.I. igniting an extraordinary economic growth.
The prosperity is predicted to burst around 2027. The prudent will safeguard their profits, while others risk a steep fall.
Exclusive Event:
Mark your calendar for the Definitive AI Seminar 2024, April 16-18 in Chicago, where we will pinpoint the new rules – in a way that is NOT obsolete three months from now.
Nobody else has the track record to support this claim.
You can buy worn copies of my 2007 Google AdWords book on eBay.
80/20 Sales & Marketing hit the streets 10 years ago. I’ve only needed to update about six paragraphs to keep it 100% current. It’s the most “evergreen” marketing book you can buy. It embodies my conviction that The Center Is the Edge: the best way to prepare for a firestorm of tectonic change is to master unchanging principles like a Jedi warrior. This enables you to “see around the corner” and anticipate what’s coming before it arrives.
None of the menus are correct.
None of the screenshots are correct.
None of the procedures are correct.
But the principles are correct. And if it were the only book that you possessed to learn Google ads in 2024, you would still have a fighting chance. Because Perry wrote all those books and courses with the mindset: “I’m not really here to teach you Google AdWords. I’m here to teach you the eternal principles of direct marketing using the state-of-the-art tools of today.“
That is precisely his approach with A.I. today. You can’t afford to jam gigabytes of information into your head that goes stale faster than an avocado. He don’t do that.
When he trains on technical subjects, the material is current five or ten years later. It’s why he loves 80/20. Google changes their algorithm every day. But 80/20 has been true for 13 billion years and will be true for the next 13 billion.
Perry’s community, the New Renaissance, is successful because we have incredibly talented, highly conscientious, honest people. They care about other people more than they care about the stats in their shopping cart.
We have the most human tribe of entrepreneurs and marketers anywhere.
***As an affiliate for some of the products and services mentioned in this blog post, I may get compensated for recommendations.
$50K offer for a company created in 6 HOURS
Josh Pellicer, A.I. expert to my team in our “Perry Marshall Large Language Model,” is a featured speaker. Josh told me:
“In the past, building something used to take months or years and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. You had to have your principles aligned, otherwise waking up on day 900 deep in debt would make you question if it was worth your life.
Now you can spend a weekend on a project instead. The reality is you likely won’t make a million dollars overnight, but those long, expensive projects aren’t worth as much anymore.
For example, we launched a company in just 6 hours – from idea to live sales page and product. We had 4 people total. The concept was a service that sends you optimistic, positive text messages daily that you can reply to and chat with an A.I. bot for uplifting support.
In college I wanted to major in philosophy. The advisor told me: “Then you just need to memorize one phrase – ‘Would you like fries with that?'”
Fast forward to 2023… your idea or philosophy can go to value, action and outcome without any intermediaries. Without new languages like legalese or Python, a computer web development language.
Because we did it so fast, I didn’t have much time or money invested in it. Only 2 people did the actual work while the other 2 contributed ideas. We finished in 6 hours instead of the full day planned.
The following week we got a $50,000 offer for the company.
We created this company by asking ourselves – “What’s the most important thing we can do here?”
We could easily repeat a hundred ideas a week if we wanted. With the right system, it’s that scalable. I’m shocked more people haven’t taken advantage yet.
The first few to rapidly build companies this way will make a lot of money. But the value will depreciate quickly as others catch on. One buyer lost interest when he learned it only took us 6 hours. The ease and speed devalued it for him.
There is a huge opportunity right now for rapid creation that won’t last once it becomes common. The early movers will have a big advantage.
We live in an era where A.I. can be leveraged to create a $50,000 company in six hours.
The advent of A.I. is like COVID in one way – many people feel it threatens their jobs, like copywriters and creatives. During COVID lockdowns, people had narrowed options and free time to obsess over what was happening.
Now people are bludgeoned with: opportunities, information, videos, tweets, seminars, and meetings. There is an overwhelm of options and input.
Rather than too much time debating developments like with COVID, today the sheer volume of noise and choices paralyzes action.
COVID brought an underload of activity that allowed rumination. A.I. brings an overload that disables decision-making. Both stall progress but in different ways.
Some people spent COVID binge-watching Netflix. Others used COVID and the unusual circumstances to do what was previously impossible and catapult into the future.”
Azra Raza, a cancer researcher in New York City, used COVID to get all the top people in the cancer field on a series of Zoom calls. She got nine hospitals to agree to start building an Open Source Tissue Repository for cancer patients in remission. This will change the entire field from research methods to longevity for patients. Would have never been possible without COVID. In 2020 I was incredibly prolific.
A.I. is going to be exactly like that, yet in a different way. By the time most people realize what’s happening, the opportunity will have slipped by.
Last year Perry Marshall and Associates hosted the first A.I. summit. He picked speakers he knew would deliver smashing content. He didn’t tell any of them what to talk about. He just invited them to come and give their best. He turned them loose. It was extraordinary. That is what he’s doing again.
Megan Macedo would never in a million years advertise herself as an A.I. expert. Yet she will be the thread that ties this together.
Because she is an expert on humanity.
Ten years ago Megan bought a hot seat at Perry Marshall Live in London. She said, “I don’t believe people have business problems. I believe people with problems have businesses. Business is the lens I can use to decode and heal people’s problems. I want to be the Brené Brown of marketing. Can I do that?”
Perry said yes, just know you’re selling broccoli, not cheesecake. Most clients aren’t looking for that, but you’ll be the only one for those who are.
Within two years, she’d turned that corner. Her unique consultancy does work no one else can.
At her retreat, she decoded my life in ways that suddenly made sense.
That’s why her platform is “The Business of Self Disclosure.”
You can’t write your A.I. story without understanding your human story first.
Many people are afraid right now. I used to think I was a copywriter. What am I now? I used to think I was a marketing expert. What am I now? I used to be a search engine jockey optimization. What am I now? I used to be a digital marketer or digital advertising specialist. What am I now?
Maybe you never really knew in the first place. Maybe this is where you start to find out.
***As an affiliate for some of the products and services mentioned in this blog post, I may get compensated for recommendations.
Special Breakout Content for Kids Age 13-25
Bring your kids and spouse!
They are offering special breakout sessions for kids of entrepreneurs, most of whom work in the family business, MANY of whom are entrepreneurs themselves.
Special price: Bring your kids age 13-25 for $500/person.
Bring your spouse, business partners, employees, team members or contractors for only $1000/person.
They are also inviting young men and women ages 13-25 who have started businesses, or have unique perspectives on A.I., to contact our office about presenting. They are inviting parents who have something special to say about raising entrepreneurial kids to also get in touch with =
They will be hosting “Expert Roundtables” where topic specialists answer live Q&A for 30-60 minutes, for groups of 6-8 people. If you would like to host an Expert Roundtable, contact our office:
Perry’s son, Cuyler Marshall, 25, has worked at Perry S. Marshall & Associates since he was a teenager. Cuyler will deliver a breakout session called “Born on Third Base: A Functional Guide to Nepotism.” He will explore the family dynamics of growing up in an entrepreneurial family, having a dad who is a public figure, discussing the pros and cons of being in that position.
Many are starry-eyed about A.I. and haven’t contemplated identity. Those who have changed circumstances and seen the identity correlation will likely have an existential crisis. Hopefully it’s just reinventing yourself and not losing all income. It’s hard enough changing who you are without going broke too.
The key is realizing identity comes from within, not skills or jobs. That spiritual view lets you ride the waves.
“Perry Marshall is renowned for organizing breakthrough, memorable, industry-transforming, STELLAR, talked-about-for-years seminars that people wish they hadn’t missed”
– Brian Kurtz
Founder, Titans Marketing
Author of Overdeliver: Build a Business for a Lifetime Playing the Long Game in Direct Response Marketing
People are still talking about my Star Seminar with now-billionaire Richard Koch in 2014. It ruffled feathers even before it commenced, and nine years later, it’s still generating multi-million-dollar cash outs.
Ed Harycki, who as a consequence of that seminar sold LoanBuilder to PayPal for MEGABUCKS is now executing another exciting build-out.
Serial entrepreneur Tim Francis founder of Great Assistant talks about the Star Seminar every time he tells his story.
Star Seminar planted a seed that took Megan Macedo into the flourishing space she’s in now.
Their 80/20 Seminar for Direct Marketing was the first seminar of its kind in the history of the earth.
Perry’s Maui 2010 and 2011 Google Ads seminars became the industry standard for state-of-the-art paid advertising education. One presenter, who owned an online data collection company, stayed up all night rewriting his PowerPoint because the other speakers were more advanced than those of any other event he’d ever presented at.
Rosetta Stone 2018 likewise attained legendary status. It’s where Perry introduced the concept of Network Effect for Mere Mortals, which people are using to build moats around their castles. The third day of that event was spellbinding.
Subversion Summit 2022 was an event that no one before or since did or would dare organize. One speaker who has presented to hundreds of groups on a very edgy topic said on stage that he’d never been given the carte blanche liberty to speak his mind like we gave him there.
That doesn’t include the innumerable small gatherings – Roundtable, AMN meetings, Influence Academy and other small workshops I’ve held ‘round the world that permanently shifted the atmosphere for all who participated.

At least one magical thing transpires at every Planet Perry event that you cannot predict in advance. You won’t experience it unless you are in the room.
At Rosetta Stone 2018, he told my famous “Vivian Story.” That day was a sunny May afternoon, and only during the ten minutes as he told that story, a windstorm whipped up outside, the sky grew dark and started hailing. Suddenly the side doors in the auditorium blew open.
The hail was so loud Perry had to raise his voice. People rushed to the doors and pushed them shut. When his story was finished, the sun returned. Two hours later Vivian hosted the evening session, which was magical. 200 people were present to witness the whole thing. If you weren’t there, ask folks you meet at Definitive Traffic / AI Seminar. They’ll tell you all about it.
They never do the same thing twice. You can be certain the same exact hailstorm will not return at this seminar. Rather, count on some other surprise. What shall it be? You’ll find out when you get here.
You will also experience the unique chemistry of a singular collection of people who have gathered together because they know the next branch to the future has come and there are few places they can trust to deliver the true information.
This is why when you come to this event you will have an experience that is unparalleled both in terms of who comes and the content that is delivered. You will get…
***As an affiliate for some of the products and services mentioned in this blog post, I may get compensated for recommendations.
Definitive AI Guarantee:
IF you currently sell online, spend ad dollars, or employ writers or content creators…
IF you attend this 3-day event and take notes…
…THEN you will be SLACK JAWED and will catapult 18-24 months ahead of the savviest people you know
OR ELSE If you’re not awed by the advanced content you’ve received by the end of Day 1, let us know and we’ll refund your money.
A.I. is a 90/10 tool… 99.99/.001, even. ChatGPT and its cousins are radical Simplifiers and shooting Stars. You already see how important this can be to generating traffic….
Not only do they have the potential to make many people very wealthy… because of these technologies, people who are driving nice cars today will be homeless, sleeping, eating and bathing in those cars 1 ½ years (18 months) from today.
Don’t miss this fork in your road.
If you have followed me through Google Ads, Facebook, 80/20, Star, Simplify, Network Effect for Mere Mortals, Influence… you need to be here.
Register for the Definitive A.I. & Traffic Seminar here now!
The two hottest courses that Perry Marshall has offered in the last six months were presented by Sam Woods and Scott Schang.
They both presented on A.I. strategies and knocked it out of the park.
And I’m thrilled to announce they will BOTH be presenting at the Exponential AI Seminar.
Perry met Scott Schang at a Facebook workshop a few years ago. He was one of the very few people who came through the 2008 mortgage crash without going bankrupt.
He’s been in the mortgage business that long, and he started a website called Find My Way Home, which makes it possible for people with complex mortgage situations to get a loan – clients the big box places like LendingTree won’t touch.
Scott caught up with Perry a few months ago and Perry found out Scott was teaching hundreds of loan officers and mortgage brokers how to A.I. their businesses.
He even sold his mortgage business to do A.I. full time!
He was brought on board as the resident Roundtable A.I. expert for Perry’s round table mastermind group. He’s been training people and those sessions are exceptionally competent and principled.
Then there’s Sam Woods.
You should spend the money and come to Chicago just for Sam.
Sam Woods was on the stage multiple times this year. He stole the show at the A.I. seminar last year.
Sam’s 80/20 AI HyperDrive course is stellar. When you register for the seminar, you get access to it!
His teachings on thinking and meta-cognition will still apply in 5-10 years even as A.I. evolves rapidly.
Sam teaches you to ask questions that improve A.I.’s thinking – which in turn improves YOUR thinking.
Your success or failure in the next ten years mostly depends on your ability to think better.
Sam has a deep passion for beauty. He is insatiably curious about what makes art beautiful.
With A.I., beauty always leads in the right direction. Any time you make decisions about A.I., make what you’re doing beautiful.
That principle will always endure amidst rapid change.
Those are just two of the many A.I. geniuses I have lined up for the seminar. But just those two will make it worth your trip 10x over.
Probably MUCH more.
Register Here before March 1 and save $300!
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