• Donate to the Donald J. Trump campaign here. His NYC trial, run by A.G, Alvin Bragg, and overseen by the judge was a mockery and sham. Unconstitutional at the very least. I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through such a joke of a trial.
  • I mean,… Juan’s daughter, Loren, earned… $12 MILLION.. AS A SALARY.. by raising $93 million in donations for Democrat candidates.
    • ***Can you say… “conflict of interest”?

Donate To Help Me Keep These Sarcastic Parody Domain Names Up And Running

To donate to help keep my: #humor, #joke #joking, #parody, #sarcasm #sarcastic domain names up and running,…

***You can send a donation via PayPal here, or Venmo me here.

It cost me a few $100s a year, so any and every little bit helps.

Some other sarcastic parody domain names that I own are:

NOT to fear, though… there will be MANY others that I will have soon enough, making jokes at folks across the OTHER side of the aisle as well, because, let’s face it,… MANY of them deserve ridicule as well, but,… NOT without your financial help and support.