“Books are Today’s Business Cards”…
If you’ve written a book, you already know WHY you decided to undertake what can often be a grueling process.
Maybe it was fame; a yearning to be the next Stephen King or J.K. Rowling?
Perhaps you want to share your knowledge and make the world a richer environment like my mentor, Ken McArthur, author of “Impact…”, which was turned into the movie “The Impact Factor“. Or, what about multiple-times best seller, Brendon Burchard? To date, he’s the most dynamic speaker I have ever met, and that was back in 2008 when he was just starting out!

Then there’s David Baugh, Superintended of the Year (2020, Pennsylvania) with his book, “Maverick Teachers…”. In fact, ALL proceeds support the Centennial Education Foundation!
Heck, even my friend, retired NHL defenseman, Chris Therien (Philadelphia Flyers, Dallas Stars), wrote a book about his career as a hockey player. The book deals with his battles and struggles with alcoholism. He brought me onboard the night before his book “dropped”. As a result it’s rankings jumped over 70,000 spots within the first twenty-four hours!!!
***BTW, all proceeds of his book sales support substance abuse programs; he doesn’t take ANY royalties!

However, if you wrote your book with the intention of making some serious money you could end up disappointed.
That is UNLESS you stack the selling odds in your favor.
Fact: even established authors don’t actually sell a lot of books all by themselves.
They rely on others to help them drive sales like Mike Michalowicz did.

I was brought onboard his team to help promote his second book, “The Pumpkin Plan”.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=KbHi9b_hhCU%3Frel%3D0And, one of the fastest ways to do it is by using AFFILIATE MARKETING.
Which is exactly what Matt McWilliams and I are going to explain. We have an upcoming webinar called, “How To Sell 10,000 Copies of Your Book…Without Major Media or Paid Advertising”.
Finding affiliates is one thing; getting them pumped up is the real secret to success.
Matt’s been fortunate to have worked on tons of book launches for awesome people like: Lewis Howes, Brian Tracy, Ray Edwards, Mark Miller and Jeff Goins.
He’s even helped a number of them achieve #1 Best-Seller status.
So, what’s the secret to “book launch” success?
Well, there isn’t just one thing…
It takes a series of steps and strategies for attracting affiliates. That’s what Matt and I will cover in the upcoming webinar.
Register below and get ready to learn how to find motivated affiliates for your book launch.
CLICK HERE to register for “How To Sell 10,000 Copies of Your Book…Without Major Media or Paid Advertising”.
If you’ve written a book, or ever thought about writing one… when the time comes, you’re going to need some help selling it.
The reality is that books, like most products, don’t sell themselves.
Bestsellers, like my friend, Joel Comm (“Twitter Power, 1 – 3”, “KaChiung…”, “Click Here to Order…”), used an ARMY of people promoting them.

Another author, Brian Basilico, used his army to help sell his one book, “The Bacon System“. (Do you recognize the guy at the bottom center of the picture?).

Authors who want to maximize their sales take advantage of a selling strategy that can really bring in the sales… AFFILIATE MARKETING!
So, where do you start?
Where do you find affiliates who will not only help sell your book but will jump on the bandwagon and promote you like crazy?
Well, we’ve got you covered!
Join Matt McWilliams and me for a webinar we’re hosting called, “How To Sell 10,000 Copies of Your Book…Without Major Media or Paid Advertising”.
In the webinar, we’re going to examine some of the basics that apply whether you are launching a book or some other product.
Then we’re going to dive deeper.
Attracting affiliates to sell your book isn’t a one step process. It takes a series of steps and strategies which Matt and I are going to cover in the webinar.
Register below and get ready to learn how to find motivated affiliates for your book launch.
CLICK HERE to register for “How To Sell 10,000 Copies of Your Book…Without Major Media or Paid Advertising”.
Many webinars give you a few tidbits of information you can use.
A bit of this. A bit of that.
They often don’t provide you with in-depth, how-to strategies you can put to use immediately to move you closer to your goals.
That’s NOT this.
Trying to do it all this by yourself is like pushing water uphill with your nose. Selling a book takes boots on the ground with people in the streets, and affiliate marketing will put them there!
One, final example of using affiliates to sell your book is that from one of my mentors, Perry Marshall, with one of his newer books, “80/20…“

By using an affiliate marketing strategy, you multiply your sales force exponentially – IF you do it the right way.
Don’t worry if you’re just starting out. We’re going to cover plenty of the basics.
And,… if this ISN’T your first “book launch” rodeo, you’re going to learn about the stuff Matt and I have used for years to put up big numbers.
It takes a series of steps and strategies for attracting affiliates and this webinar will lay out what they are.
So, register below and get ready to learn how to find motivated affiliates for your book launch.
CLICK HERE to register for “How To Sell 10,000 Copies of Your Book… Without Major Media or Paid Advertising”.

If you’re an author out to sell your book, you may THINK the heavy lifting is over but it’s actually just beginning…
IF, that is, you want to maximize the money you make.
Most authors NEVER realize big financial gains from book sales.
The main reason it doesn’t happen is that those authors try and do it all by themselves.
That is, as previously stated, an uphill battle.
However, there are many authors who earn a lot of money from book sales.
So, what’s the difference between the ones who sit by and watch sales trickle in vs. those who rake in the money hand over fist?
The answer: the authors who do well have learned the power of affiliate marketing.
They have built a sales force of motivated affiliates who do much of the selling for them.
To that end, my friend, Matt McWilliams, and I are hosting a webinar called “How To Sell 10,000 Copies of Your Book…Without Major Media or Paid Advertising” that will show you how to do the same thing.
You’ll learn the strategies that will show you EXACTLY how to make sure you join the list of authors who are selling plenty of books.
In the early going, we’re going to walk you through the basics of finding affiliates to help you with the selling and then we’ll dive deeper to show you the stuff that REALLY supercharges your selling efforts.
So, register below and get ready to learn how to find motivated affiliates for your book launch.
***BTW, don’t forget to read one of my previous posts that help get you started on your book launch journey.
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