Paid Surveys

Below is a list of surveys that pay you for your time – should you get approved.

I participate in these regularly.

***I may get a referral fee for sending them out.

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Small Business Owners $45 A=>Z Gift Card for 30 Minutes


We are looking to interview small business owners about buying insurance.

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Your audio, video, and screen will be recorded during the session.

Work in Cloud Infrastructure and use GCP? We’d like to learn about your experiences! $315 for 60 Min


Hello, we are conducting a study to learn more about the thoughts and experiences from those working in the cloud, who primarily design, implement, and manage cloud infrastructure components.

Participants will be invited to take part in a 60-minute online interview through Zoom. Participants will receive an incentive of $315 USD.

The interviews will take place in August and will be scheduled in advance.

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Your audio, video, and screen will be recorded during the session.

Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you’re a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!

We’d like to learn more about your professional cloud usage and experience! $315 for 1 Hour



We are from Amplinate ( and we are conducting a study for a major technology company. Your participation will help shed light on the unique perspectives users have of one of their products. In order to see if you qualify, we’d like to ask a few questions. Information collected throughout this study, including the upcoming qualification questions, will be used only for investigative purposes and not to sell you anything. All of your responses will be kept confidential.

More Information:

This research will be carried out in two stages for those who qualify:

Phase 1: Participants will be invited to complete a 15-minute online survey and will receive an incentive of USD 65.00.

Phase 2: Some participants from Phase 1 will be invited to take part in a 60-minute online interview through Zoom. Participants will receive an additional incentive of USD 250.00.

The interviews will take place in July 2024 and will be scheduled in advance.

Note: Amplinate is compliant with the GDPR (General Data Protection Law) and uses strict privacy policies with our customers and external partners. The data collected in this form will be kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties. We will use the information provided solely for the purpose of recruiting potential participants for this and future research carried out by Amplinate.

This is a pre-selection form, there is no remuneration for filling it out and there is no guarantee that you will be called to participate in the research, as you must meet all the prerequisites established for the study.Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Your audio, video, and screen will be recorded during the session.

Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you’re a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!

Seeking Contractors for Online Focus Group! $250 for 90 Minutes


We’re looking to speak to contractors to get a better understanding of generational differences, preferences and needs in this industry. This focus group opportunity will take place July 10-12th, and will take approximately 90 minutes, conducted online.

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Dev and Programmers- we want to talk to you! $150 for 90 Minutes


We’re looking for developers and programmers to chat with us in a 90-minute online interview about their experiences supporting various online services.

Please answer the questions honestly, as this determines your ability to participate. Please note that completion of this questionnaire does not mean that you have qualified. If you do qualify, you will be notified through User Interviews to schedule an available appointment time.

This screener will take less than 5 minutes. There are no wrong answers, your honesty is most important.

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you’re a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!

Building with A.I. or LLM’s? Share your opinions! $250 for 150 Minutes


Thank you for your interest in our study.  The purpose of this study is to collect your feedback and opinions on development tools, roles and tasks involved in building intelligent applications. 

This research is taking place to collect and understand your opinions on building with A.I. tools and LLM’s!

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you’re a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!

Cloud Operations Study $234 for 120 Min


Are you skilled in the use of observability tools to monitor and enhance the performance of apps and services? Ideal candidates should possess a strong background in deploying these tools to gather, analyze, and act on data related to system metrics such as performance rates, traffic, and system health.

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Looking to hear from tire installation experts $125 for 30 Min


We’re looking for feedback from tire installation professionals about a new product we’re developing.

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you’re a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!

Calling all ophthalmologists! We wanna hear from you! $650 for 90 Min


We are currently conducting a study regarding a medical device intended for use by ophthalmologists.

We want you to be a part of a **remote**, 90-minute interview. Each interview will be a one-on-one interview, not a focus group. Compensation for your time will be a $650 gift card.

Any information you provide today will be treated as confidential and will not be shared outside of this research project.

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam, Tablet, Smartphone.

Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you’re a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!

Do you design or create items in video games? $225 for 60 Min


Thank you for your interest in our study.  The purpose of this study is to collect your feedback and opinions on items you create in video games or worlds.  First, we have a short survey that will take 10 minutes of your time to learn if this study fits your background and interests. 

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.

You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you’re a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!

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